Thursday, May 24, 2012

why i'm super annoyed now

What's a foursie? A fourth grader. More specifically, Wiffie's fourth grader friends. They are just too... GIRLY and DRAMATIC for me. They love nail polish, which I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. They also love dancing, as in the kind where you shake your rear end and that nonsense. Really? REALLY?!?!?!?!

Today's supposed to be Open House at Wiffie's school. I'm not coming. I'm going biking to my school, just to escape the... foursieness of it all. Sevie forced me to go to the choir concert today, but I'll only stay for about five minutes before going back to The Foursie School and exploding. UGH. My sis can't even DRESS HERSELF and she's NINE YEARS OLD! That is just plain BABYISH and too DEPENDENT, which are the qualities I don't exactly like.

(sorry if wiffie reads this... but she's proud of her babyishness and girliness...)

And there's the rest of my family. My mom is nice. My dad and my grandma scream too much and don't understand me. They think i'm a computer-addicted, brain-dead weirdo. NOT TRUE. If anyone thinks that, then they won't get away without a serious scar!!)

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