Sunday, May 27, 2012

my weird dream

Title = self explanatory :)
(the weird dream is set when i'm in seventh grade.)

Shuyang, Karebear, and I went to the CMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival and did a flute/clarinet/percussion trio. We got a Superior. Karebear made up a little song about it, and after school (the day after the festival) she was writing the lyrics on her notepad. Sevie was standing around somewhere, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream (which Karebear had given to her a few minutes ago), and her hair was in pigtails so Karebear didn't recognize her. I recognized her instantly and said "Hi Sevie!" Karebear heard this and ran away. I told Sevie about the "Superior Song" and she almost made me go get Karebear to sing it. Then, Sevie and I had to bike home together, so we left with Klutzy and D (Sevie's friends). Klutzy and D were being annoying, but I ignored them. We got to Sevie's house, and she wanted to listen to our trio we performed in CMEA. I looked in my backpack and got the CD, and Sevie, Klutzy, and D listened to it. They said the clarinet player was really good. However, when I said it was Karebear, Sevie freaked out and said, "Tell Karebear that her clarinet playing is terrible." But Karebear didn't even miss a single note!! At that exact moment, Karebear burst into the door. She'd followed me to Sevie's house, but once she saw Sevie and Klutzy and D looking at her, she freaked out. Sevie made her sing the Superior Song, and she did. I was checking my email (to see if my social studies project partner had done his share of the work yet) on Sevie's computer, and I got a message from the band director, saying that there was a performance in five minutes! Karebear and I left, got our uniforms and band stuff, and went to school to perform. Klutzy and D and Sevie came along to watch. Everyone else in band came too, including Shuyang and Myth and V and Sushi and S and Minnie. (Minnie forgot his pitch pipe, so I had to tune the timpani by ear!!). We performed our songs, and this TV reporter was watching us. She filmed us and put us on national television! Then Sevie got an email that there was a choir performance, and she got her stuff and did the performance and went on TV like band did. Then a little rat scurried into the room and started dancing. However, it was just a hologram of a rat, so I got really disappointed. Then there was a deafening boom and the roof exploded...

and then I woke up.


Write stuff!