I made up a bunch of random characters who don't have names yet. Here's a bunch of stuff I have so far. I didn't write all of it. I know, it sucks. Seriously. If you know what I should name these people, then comment.
Sorry if any of these offended you. They seriously weren't meant to be offending. As a cyberbullying victim and former friendless kid, I know how it feels.
Possible main character. Red hair, light gray eyes. Hyper and outgoing. Seems fearless but is actually unsure of herself. Can have a sadistic streak.#2:
Really tall, black eyes, wavy brown hair, contacts. Very smart, but so shy that she's scared to talk. Born without a leg but is star of the cross-country and track teams.#3:
Tall, skinny, long black hair, pink glasses. Fashion conscious. Sensitive and trustworthy. Wishes she could play a musical instrument.#4:
Has an account on basically every social networking site. Likes bullying people and watching their reactions. If you can somehow become her friend, she might actually be nice to you. Blond hair, blue eyes, short and stocky.
Sorry if any of these offended you. They seriously weren't meant to be offending. As a cyberbullying victim and former friendless kid, I know how it feels.
Wow, I'm just like #3... Well, except I'm short and I really wish to learn the violin.