I WON!!! I cannot believe I won the Space Race! That moment, when I first saw cold, barren Pluto has always been the best of my entire life! Igor, as I told you, was arrested by the Universal Police. They confiscated his teleports. That serves Igor Counterfeit the Counterfeit right! In fact, it would serve any evil person in the whole solar system right! At least I used Igor's teleports to get back to Earth instead of making the journey again. Now that I think about it, Igor was mean to many people in his lifetime. In return, he was punished, like when the rocket store only gave him a slow rocket or when the police arrested him. Igor the Counterfeit has been served right all through his space journey in the Space Race. I know that I had fun. So did Shelly. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? I'm just wondering what other people think about space travel. It seriously doesn't matter what time you are from. And I also just want to know that there aren't that many evil people out there to torture me.
Darn it! Now that all the racing nonsense is over, I have started to hate little girls [especially about age eleven], cats [especially gray ones], and races [especially space races]! As it turned out, Zippy the cat was born with supersenses which is why she always let out an ear-splitting howl while evil was near. Who would have guessed that a team of two little girls would beat the genius, Dr. Igor Counterfeit III? Not me. of course! Don't think that I will actually learn a lesson from all this nonsense! The only thing I got out of this is the fact that girls and cats should be despised. Remember, I'm evil! Evil people dislike everyone who is good. That's a proven fact by the laboratory at the Evil University, where the only things I learned are that the Sun is hot and Mercury is close to the Sun. Bits of genius, aren't they? Of course they are. Anyways, why do the great, splendid, superb things only happen to good guys? Why do evil people have to bear all the burden? It doesn't seem fair!! No fair!! No fair!!
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