Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 14

     "First thing's first. Let's get some new equipment! Like... those new invisibility cloaks, and those special time-bomb tranquilizers we heard of, and how about some new smoothie machines?" I blurt out excitedly. "No thanks about the smoothie machines," says Ceres, making a face. "They're a huge waste of money. No offense, Dawn, but I'm starting to rethink having you as headmaster."
     This makes me feel offended. "You think you could do better?" I retort. That shuts her up for the moment.
     Even though I kind of got angry at Ceres for rethinking having me as the leader, I consider her words. I'm letting this new responsibility get to my head. That's even worse than being constantly attacked and not knowing what to do about it. I can speak seven different languages and hack anyone's credit card or email account, and that's just the lowest of my capability. But if I always let accomplishments enlarge my ego, I'm a total goner, no matter what skills I have.

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