Thursday, April 5, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 9

    Kara, Samuel, and Ceres drag me out of the house, with some assistance from Jim. They're taking me to headquarters so I can rejoin the agency. We proceed down the street, and stop in front of the manhole cover that blocks the passageway to headquarters. Samuel casually lifts it off, making sure no one's looking. And then we're ready.
    The four of us climb down into the underground network of tunnels. After the trip, we find ourselves in headquarters. Ceres walks to the corner of the chamber, over to a small metal box. After she taps three times on the top of the box, it grows into a humanoid robot. "How can I help you?" it asks in a clear voice. "Contact... master," Ceres says slowly, over-enunciating a bit so the humanoid will understand her.
    The robot turns around and walks through a door on the side of the chamber, while saying, "Accomplishing mission. Accomplishing mission..." over and over again. Finally, after two horrendously long minutes, the robot returns, followed by a man we know as the headmaster of the agency. "Mission accomplished," the bot says. "Do you require further assistance?"
    "Of course," Kara says, rolling her eyes. "We need to let Dawn McAllen rejoin." "I'm sorry, but the mission you requested is impossible," says the humanoid.
    And right then and there, my hopes feel crushed. Because of a silly robot.

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