Wednesday, February 27, 2013

why i should not do band next year

  • Certain drummers are annoying.
  • All my friends will get into advanced band and I'm not that good.
  • The teacher has mixed feelings about me.
  • Practicing takes a lot of time.
  • I lose my music too easily (giving it to other people...)
  • I don't want to wear a yellow tie.
  • I'd rather do Communication Arts or Woodshop. Or choir, if Anchal convinces me. (she tries, but she hasn't changed my mind...)
  • Half the time, the drummers have rests. 
  • It's not like I actually have decent parts. (i officially do not like vibraphones.)
  • I don't want to take the same elective two years in a row. (french 1A and french 1B don't count)
  • Crash cymbals are dangerous weapons.
  • Everyone makes me put away all the stuff, so I'm usually late to my next class.
  • I know the kids who will become seventh grade drummers next year. Yikes.
  • Disgusting stuff sometimes turns up in the back of the room. >.< (people in my class know what it is)
  • There are too many drummers anyways, so why do we need another one? Especially one as bad as me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

i'm soooooo annoyed now

every time i turn around, my parents are all like "oh, you should go do 3498579032847 math problems or stuff like that."
i am completely annoyed with math.
it's so boring. i'd rather write stories (i'd do that anyways....) or do 2058093450934750 hours of music practice (not as likely) or run mile club every day for the rest of my life (ok, fine, so i was exaggerating).
my parents also overfeed me.
it's a wonder that i'm underweight, they feed me so much.
and just because my hair turns red from swimming, doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
i'm not going to quit swimming now that i've made the team.
i never get a second of privacy.
people always HAVE to be standing behind me, telling me to go do 3204985720934857 more math problems or wear horribly sharp and scary earrings or use disgusting and smelly hair oil.
my sister is the only person who doesnt act like this. but she has this annoying habit of agreeing with any and all adults.
so when someone tells me to go do math or wear earrings or etc., she says "yeah, its good for you and blah blah blah".
it's so annoying.
i want my own life for a change.
is that too much to ask for?
according to my parents, yes it is.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

this is a pathetic blog

no one reads this except me.
i'm not kidding.
why should i even keep posting?!?!?
when i started this, i never knew it would become so abandoned in just one year.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

web applications are confuzzling

next year, im gonna do this thing called WEB where i have to help pixies get used to middle school. i have to write an essay about why i should do it (this is the reason half my friends aren't doing WEB). but i don't know what to put in it. compared to other kids, i laze around at home all day. i only have swimming and piano and foreign language classes and i might start dancing again soon (i know, its so hard to imagine a klutz like me dancing. but i was actually really good). everyone else has about 93248750823475 extracurricular activities.
maybe i can write about how my sis will be a pixie next year and i'm used to talking to people her age... i'm not sure about that either. i mean, my sis's classmates are pretty awesome to hang out with (lol, im such a loner), but she doesn't know everyone who's coming to my middle school next year. she's only popular in her elementary school.
annie/isa/anchal the cookie stalker and i were fighting over who should be our friend(aishu with the purple clarinet)'s webbie. i told her that she can have my sister in her web group if i get aishu.

ugh. the superbowl is on tv and it's sooooo pointless. it's just big fat guys chasing each other for a ball. i can't see how my dad and a lot of other people are so obsessed with this stuff. at least annie is coming to my house... we can completely goof off and play random computer games and screw up each other's WEB applications. that's always a lot of fun... XD

Saturday, February 2, 2013

i can't sleep

ok. so i havent posted in a reeeeeally loooooong time. its ok. i never have time to go online as much anymore because i have (competitive! ha!) swimming every day and piano and etc etc etc.
you probably think i am mentally messed up for going online this early. look at the title. people are worried about me and say i'm an insomniac. but this is the first time this has ever happened. and to make things worse, i have cmea tomorrow. it's basically this band performance thingie and because my flute playing is terrible, i'm going to fail. yes, i'm such a pessimist. but if you heard my playing, you'd think it was horrible too, because it is.
ok, i know this is a pointless post. there's not really anything interesting to write about. life is so boring now.