Saturday, March 31, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 4

    "Dawn!! Get out of my room NOW!" screams Jim. I reply that I'm very sorry, that I lost something in his room. Being a secret agent means that you have to be very good at lying.
    "What did you lose?" asks Jim. "It's not in here; none of your business," I reply, my voice shaking nervously. I go to my room and get ready for school. The main reason I go to Sandyville Middle School is not because it's the closest to my house; it's because the school principal herself is a spy! That's also the reason I convinced my parents to move here a few years ago.
    My friend Kara arrives at my house. We usually walk to school together, so we get started right away. After the two-mile walk, we finally arrive at the middle-school campus and enter our first-period class. I'm the only one that's acing through the work without even thinking. Because of my secret career, I'm smarter than the average seventh grade student. But half of my mind is occupied with "the thoughts." Someone from MY family is attacking the country. And I'm a world-class secret agent. It's reality, but it's overwhelming. Way too overwhelming.
   After sitting through two whole hours of classes, I'm allowed to go to recess. Most kids will be playing outside, but not Kara and me. We have spy meetings. All the other kids think we go to Math Club at recess, but they were misinformed.
     As I open the door to the principal's office, I'm nervous. I need to tell all the other Sandyville Middle School spies about the attacker, but because the terrorist is from my family, I might be kicked out of the agency. And every spy is needed. With one less person to fight crime, the world will be at stake...

Life post the second

It's another life post! Yay! *sarcasm* Wow, my spell checker on the computer thinks Yay isn't a word. It once thought river's wasn't a word. Computers are annoying.

I keep on pwning everyone at swimming!! So I get to skip, like, 2 levels. I did a flip turn while diving but it was an accident. It still looked pretty cool though, even though landing on my back hurt! Now, I'm in the same swim school as Shuyang! So that's nice.

Someone from Germany went on my blog. Yeah, big deal. On my other blog, I had people from all over the world viewing it. My sister wants to get more views on her blog and she's jealous of me because of that one person from Germany. Wow, SERIOUSLY?!

If you hate cats and rats, then I hate you. It sounds harsh, but it's true.

BYE :) 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 3

    I hurry back home, the thoughts still attacking my brain. Is this the secret that everyone's hiding from me? I ask myself. Someone plotting against the country? But no, my conscience replies, there's more to it. Much more.
    Under the guise of a normal teen, I finally go back to my room. I hide in the closet while a mannequin that looks like me is still lying in my bed. I may seem like a coward, hiding in my closet when the country is suffering, but I've already reached the attacker's home. MY home.
    Finally, after what seems like a million years shrouded in darkness, daylight comes! I quickly shove the mannequin back into my closet and take its place in my bed. "Wake up already, sleepyhead!" shouts my older brother, Jim. He's not a secret agent, but I feel like he's plotting something. Even if it's not the attack on the country, it's still something significant, something that can change my life.
    I spring out of bed and say hello to my brother. After wolfing down my breakfast of waffles, I run upstairs into Jim's room. Jim is the typical older brother, who doesn't want his kid sister touching his stuff, so I'm lucky that I can snoop around for a few minutes. There's nothing significant, nothing worth mentioning, just a normal older-brother room. A huge disappointment, not what I was expecting. So Jim is certainly hiding something...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A "life" post (I was bored, OK?)

So, here's a bunch of randomness about my life...
   Hi, my name's Pixie, but everyone calls me Pix or (I don't know why) Meerkat. I go to a junior high school. Math is very easy, even though I'm in advanced math. PE is hard because we have a creepy old sub who can do push ups really fast and makes us do them too. Science is awesome because my teacher was my 4th grade teacher too, but her teacher's pet is this annoying guy who swears too much. Band is fun, except for some of the other percussionists. At least my friend Myth is in percussion too, and we're convincing our flute-player friend Shuyang to take percussion lessons and switch. BTW, I still play my flute! Language Arts is kind of boring because we have to do spelling and grammar and stuff. Social Studies is always chaotic because our teacher loves pigs and enchiladas and there are all these weird simulation things. In every class, I'm known as the quiet girl who sits in the back working ahead of the class and finishing everything three months ahead of time!! Except for PE, where I'm known as the hyperactive kid who hates running. And Band class, where I'm Shuyang's percussionist friend.
    This awesome stalker named KareBear is making me be her private stalker. I have to stalk Sevvie, who's a year older than me. She's one of my best friends, but one of KareBear's enemies who she's scared of. (Sevvie isn't all that big or mean!) But I don't stalk her that often, just when KareBear makes me.
    I have a pet rat and I LOVE RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 My BFF, Shuyang the Flutist, has a lot of cats. So we made the Cat and Rat Club. That's also the reason for my Blogger pic.
   So I hope that was good for a life post! BYE for now, Pixie

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 2

     Try not to think like this, Dawn, I tell myself. You have to change your mindset to that of a spy, not a normal teenager. I take my seat next to another secret agent, a girl named Kara. She's also disguised as a normal teenager, and we've become best friends over the years.
     A whirring sound can be heard under my chair. My agency has extremely high-tech equipment, so the seemingly normal steel chair prints out a small piece of paper covered with writing. I pick it up and read it carefully, word for word. It's my new spy assignment! Another whirring sound is heard, and my chair transforms into a jet pack. Normal humans might not think jet packs have been invented, but they're actually only used by my agency and kept very top-secret.
    I fly over the city lights, wishing no one will spot me. As I soar above the world, the invasive thoughts about my school friends return. They're hiding something, something worse than what I'm hiding... what is it? What's the price I must pay to learn just what it is, if anything at all? These may seem like just thoughts, but when you have extrasensory perception like I do, they're something a lot more.
    According to my assignment sheet, someone's attacking the USA. That's it. It may seem pathetic that there's not much info, but it's surprising how people can hide secrets so well. Like my being a spy, for one.
    The assignment sheet says that the alleged attacker lives in America, and includes a street address. I read the address carefully, suspended in midair, and find something surprising.
    Someone who lives at MY house is planning against the country.
    And then, given the situation, the thoughts strike back.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 1

     It's midnight. To be more precise, it's 11:59 PM. Most sane humans are asleep now, in the small town of Sandyville, but not me. I have another life to attend to. There's no time for humanly issues now. You might not have guessed this by now, but I'm a secret agent. Wait, who am I talking to? This is my private journal, and I don't think anyone is reading this right now...
     I get up from my rarely-used bed and leap out my bedroom window. I may sound crazy, but this is for a reason! If I can't make it to secret agent headquarters on time, I'll get fired. With one less person to fight crime, the world will be at stake.
     As I fall out of my bedroom window, I adjust the angle of my fall so I'll land where I want to. I finally fall on top of what looks like an ordinary manhole cover. But it isn't. It's the only route to my headquarters, so I open the lid and hop inside. A small cart carries me through a network of underground tunnels. And then I'm there, in the small chamber, packed with electronic gear, that we call headquarters. Not a second late.
     But as I approach my seat, nervous thoughts cross my head. What if someone else finds out about this place? My parents, maybe, or someone from school? What if they're stalking me secretly and I don't even know it? What if.... What if...?  These thoughts plague my mind and make it impossible for me to concentrate. Right now, I'm not Dawn McAllen the normal teenager. The fate of the world is in my hands... in a way...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Invisible Secrets (Preview)

*This is a preview of Invisible Secrets, which is a story I'm going to write soon. So stay tuned!!*

    It's really hard to maintain a secret identity. Especially when everyone around you is a total deception artist. Why am I saying this, you ask? That's because it totally applies to me. Most people know me as Dawn McAllen. But no, that's not true. I'm not a normal girl, as normal as I look and act. I have another life too, it's just that no one knows about it. 
    I'm a secret agent. Really. Like, with the FBI. It may freak you out, but it's true. And for the longest time, I've always felt that everyone who knew me, everyone I knew, had something to hide from me. Maybe even worse than my being a secret agent. Maybe, just maybe, one of them has the power to destroy the world as we know it...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Post One...

Hey. This blog is for me to just... write what I want! I won't blog about my life, just write some random little stories. Mostly about five paragraphs a day. Or I might do a story with many chapters, one in each post. I LOVE WRITING!!!!!!!  If you visit, please comment!! THANKS!! That way, I can make this site more awesome!