Saturday, September 29, 2012

i'm trying to be normal (for some reason this was never posted)

Yeah, there's a such thing as too weird. If your parents want to send you to a psychologist, then you're way too weird. Like me. And I don't like math. I know, you're thinking that because I'm Indian, I'm supposed to be an antisocial math nerd. But I'm totally NOT like the stereotype (other than the way I look, which I'm trying to change because it's extremely ugly and people teased me about it). I'm crying and attempting to do math homework. I smuggled the laptop into my room and started randomly writing and listening to music instead of doing math. Do normal people like math? Maybe the reason that my parents want to take me to the scary psychologist is because I hate math and I'm hyper. But most people from my school are extremely hyper.
And I'd rather DIE than see that scary and mean psychologist again. (its so hard to break my habit of starting sentences with 'and'...) But no one understands. Everyone else here is random, but never had to see the psychologist. ALSDKF HAOWIEFU ASLKDFJ ASLIDFU ASDLFKJ ASLKDGJ AIOPGYASDOIFASDFLKAJSDZX><CJASOIDTYALDSGKJASLDFKJAM<>CA SDFILASGLKJASDFLK
Random typing... that felt really good.
Now I have to do HW before my parents destroy me for not doing math homework. Which, by the way, I've been doing for two hours now. Bye.
I know. My posts suck. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

jazz band

Yay. It started today. I left early because of another thingie (with Susan), but came back after fifteen minutes. There are three flutists and two are pixies. One has the exact same name as me and the other is my pixie friend. We got a song and it's pretty easy. I'm thinking about getting a solo or something. That would be pretty awesome, unless I squeak or mess up right when I get to the most awesome part of it. At least I get to blast really loud, which is always fun. :D

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Eli and I were talking about the social studies test and quizzing eachother and it got really weird. We started with normal stuff like "Who was William the Conqueror?" and etc. but it morphed into stuff like "Explain why the extinction of dinosaurs lead to Eli's awesomeness" and "Why didn't meerkats turn into stuff?" It was really random. And I made her post it on her blog...


I memorized three band songs in one day. So I'm proud. But I don't want to brag... And I'm nervous. But i'm playing the FLUTE tomorrow! :D I can freak everyone out with my squeak thingie! It's SO fun!
Does anyone read this site other than me or my friends or people from Eli's blog? I don't think so... Yay again. I have a blog (mostly) to myself.
I'm listening to music now...
I'm bored.
I did my homework at school. And we have a lot of tests. But my language teacher is nice and let us have more time for the HW.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

no one will ever understand me

 I told Shuyang and Karebear about the psychologist and they just laughed and said "How is that scary?!" And Karebear screamed "Yay!" when I said I might have to visit the psychologist again. I should really consider ditching Shuyang/Karebear... At least I have other friends, like Ally and Sunny and etc. And there's Wiffie, my little sister who I'm supposed to like. If only someone else had random superstitions like me... it's not fair that I'm never understood. And that I have a second side which is mostly hidden from everyone. People know me as a science geek, but I don't like science. And I'm pretty superstitious and care about what others think about me. But no one understands. 

i'm seriously not a girly steriotypical girl...

From what "people" told me, I'm turning into a "sterotypical teenager" before I'm thirteen! What did I do wrong?! Apparently I'm girlier, although I'm still a socially clueless kid who doesn't care about fashion and dislikes flowers (I'm allergic to them...) and pink and all that typical girl stuff. Wiffie keeps judging me because I don't like Indian music. I prefer songs which have words that I can understand. Is that a sign of typical teenager-ness? Of course not. I've never liked Indian music too much (yeah, i'm indian, as weird as it seems), even though I had to take singing lessons in elementary school. And I don't obsess over my hair the way Wiffie says I do. And I'm not always online. Wiffie, the little 10 year old kid who thinks her opinion is the only one that matters, thinks I'm never able to play with her. You know, there's something called homework that teachers assign to torture us... and there's that social studies project of doom... *sighs* Wiffie doesn't get that I go online for school. When I'm not doing schoolwork (a.k.a torture), I'm running mile club. :D I was just kidding. Haha, no one ever takes me seriously anymore... but really, I'm a pretty fast runner now compared to me as a pixie. The reason? Track and field. Hurdles are awesome. No girly girl would say that... 

chat w/ shuyang

BTW, this was during school when we were sitting right next to each other... i know, we're pathetic.

3:28 PM me: asdl;kfj asldkfj
3:30 PM hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  why do you NEVERRRRR reply?!?!
 Shuyang: cause i asm running mileclub
 me: run with meeeeeeeee
 Shuyang: NO i am on lap infinity
 me: same here!
  run with me!
 Shuyang: infinity and one
 me: same
  wow, i just lapped u!
3:31 PM Shuyang: NO I LAPPED U
  bla aenghjaierhg'apoig
 me: noooo
  im faster
 Shuyang: excuse me? NO I AM
 me: ;lasdkjf; aksjdaskdf
 Shuyang: lol
 me: !!
3:32 PM Shuyang: pg'zg'arwgj'apee
 me: here comes coco!
 Shuyang: j[gwoej
 me: and all ur cats!
 me: yeah
  lets go say hi!
 Shuyang: and my dog and fish
  and horse
 me: and bunny and peacock
 Shuyang: yea
 me: XD
  hw -__-
  a;sldkf ;laskdf laskdjf
 Shuyang: kk

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


WHY AM I MAKING POSTS!? Right. Because I have no life. And I don't ever have to get a bloody finger in band because of stupid crash cymbals. Ally actually *LIKES* crash cymbals. How is that possible?! BTW, she sprained her wrist...
Shuyang's a bit better since yesterday (when she passed out in PE). I'm also healing. And I have to swim today. Swimming class is ridiculously easy and I should be on the swim team now except I keep skipping class. I miss Prachi. She was nice, even if she wasn't as fast as I am (and a little bit annoying about the Karebear thing)... At least I had someone to talk to. Now, all I have is my sister and some annoying boy who thinks he's faster than me even though he's super short and I race him and win.
Sorry, I'm hyper. In French class, there was this party thingie and we ate food. Yay. Wendy and I were talking about mile club, which I am strangely obsessed with. People walk up to me and say "You're weird." And I take it as a compliment. Weirdness is seriously an awesome quality. Just ask Judy (hyper kid from my science class) or Ally or Shuyang or Random Eli

how am i a good stalker?!

I don't like stalking people. But my friends make me do it anyways. Apparently, I'm good at being invisible. And there are two people (SEVENTH GRADERS) who i don't know who follow me around. so i suck at stalking. don't make me do it anymore. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

writing thingie

i have to do an application for this "overture literary magazine" thingie...
a;lksj lksadjf ;aslkdfj
and i have to submit a sample of my writing. which, as all of you know, isn't all that good.

klutzy me...

Yeah. I'm injured again. My bike handlebars stabbed my ribcage and im scared 'cuz it hurts sooooooo much and i read somewhere that if you break your ribcage, your liver might bleed and you'll die. Shuyang fainted in PE today and she had to go to the hospital but now she's fine. She was screaming "Im gonna die...." in school today and V and I were comforting her. Ally helped a bit by saying "I hope your friend feels better" to me. And she doesn't know shuyang. Ally's just (mostly) nice like that
OUCH... i might need a surgery! ive had 2 of them b4 and they werent too bad... but they were both on my ear. and everyone started bullying me about it in 5th grade. which is why im the socially clueless seventh grade freak you know now. at least i can run mile club. that's all that matters. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

demented story

    Samantha "Sam" White is almost invisible. She isn't alive at present.  If you could travel back in time 50 years ago, you could see her, interact with her. Kasey Smith can't travel through time. But Sam can, and she frequently visits the year 2012. And Kasey thinks she is the only one who knows Sam can do that; that only she knows Sam exists.
   "Wow, I feel so bad for you!" Sam says, after Kasey has just finished explaining how she was stuck working on a project with the despicable, immature Willy McFilly.
    "I know, right?  Willy doesn't contribute anything.  He just sits there and sucks his thumb!  How does he deserve any credit for all my hard work?" responds Kasey.
      None of them had any idea that they were being watched.  Not just by anyone, but by a spy, working for the Home for Mentally Disturbed Children.
     "Yes, master, the girl was talking to a time-traveler.  Samantha White, from 50 years ago.," says the skinny teenage boy in black.  His name is August Harper, and he's talking to none other than Nimbus Clarke, founder of the Home for Mentally Disturbed Children. The girl in question goes by the name Kasey Smith.
     Clarke's eyes widen.  "A time-traveler? Samantha White? Something is seriously wrong here, August.  Thank you.  I shall board her right away. Have you the girl's contact information?"
      August nods, handing his master a slip of paper. A few weeks ago, he recalls, he found two other girls, called Shannon Caldwell and Marisel Burns, who he had recruited. Both had been caught with Sam, who had lived at the Home for half a year.  Before she escaped.
     Samantha White was the only child to ever escape alive.
      "Kasey, honey, I'm really sorry, okay?" says Mrs. Smith to her daughter.  "You're going to this Home for Mentally Disturbed Children place. You'll be back in a year or so.  I don't know why they think this, but I can't say no. They just won't let me. Kasey, I know you aren't mentally disturbed."
      Kasey Smith bursts into a fountain of tears.  Her life is ruined.  Now she'd never see Sam, her other friends, or even her family again. She'd be locked up in a prison-like place for a whole year, with kids who were really psycho. Unlike her.  Kasey knew she was normal.
      The gigantic coal-colored bus pulls up to 1029 Fairweather Street.  Inside the warm and inviting house, Kasey Smith is getting ready to leave her life behind.  Her friends, her family, all gone. Kasey trudges down the stairs, her suitcase packed, and out the front door to board the bus to the Home for Mentally Disturbed Children.
      Kasey shoves her suitcase in the back and sits down. Next to her, she sees a short girl with freckles and brown hair. The girl is frowning, her head bowed. A green book bag is below her seat.
      "Hi. My name is Shannon. Do I look mentally disturbed? You don't," says the girl.  Kasey replies, "No, you look perfectly normal.  Why are we being sent here anyways?"
      Shannon shrugs her shoulders, then pulls out a comic book from her book bag and starts reading it. Kasey, who loves comics, looks over Shannon's shoulder.  As she reads, she wonders why normal girls like them were sent to this place. It shouldn't be that bad.  What if everyone else there is normal?  Even if they aren't, you still have Shannon to talk to, she thinks.
      After what seems like a million billion years, the bus stops at a towering brick building. A sign on the building says "Welcome to the Home for Mentally Disturbed Children". Kasey, Shannon, and everyone else file out of the bus.
      "Hello, all you mentally disturbed children," a voice booms. The voice belongs to Nimbus Clarke, the founder of the Home. Clarke treats the children to a very long and wordy lecture, involving details about room arrangements and those things. After the lecture, the children are free to go to their assigned rooms. To her delight, Kasey finds she's with Shannon, and another girl named Marisel, who is really tall, has short blonde hair, and seems to be at least two years older than her.
     As the girls get to know each other,, Kasey learns that Marisel isn't mentally troubled, and has lived here for about a year already. She eagerly shows Kasey and Shannon the way around the Home.
     "I know a lot about this dungeon of a place, but not how to escape. I’ll figure it out, mark my words!," Marisel says, her eyes glinting with determination.
    "Psst!  Kasey!!  Are you listening or what? Oh, and hi, Marisel and Shannon!" says a light and feathery voice that can only belong to Sam White.  Kasey is overwhelmed with joy.  How did Sam, of all people, get here? And how did Sam know Marisel and Shannon?
    "Yeah, it's Sam. You know, Marisel and Shannon can see me too.  You three are the only ones that can.  And I was there when all of you were spied on and referred to the Home.  You were all referred by the same person, August Harper," Sam explains.
    Kasey can't believe her luck. This place was supposed to be for mentally disturbed people, and her roommates were probably the only normal kids in the entire Home, not including herself.  And they were pretty nice too!
     It's a few weeks after Kasey and Shannon arrived.  They've set up a pillow and blanket for Sam, and sneak her some cafeteria food every day when she "visits". Marisel doesn't hesitate to help Kasey and Shannon with basically everything, from playing her trumpet for them to showing them around the building.
    "You guys, I need to tell you something. Like, right now!" Sam whispers. She glances around to make sure no one is looking (even though they probably won't be able to see her) and continues.
    "Back when I actually existed, about fifty-something years ago, I was locked up in this exact same place. Yes, the Home existed back then, and so did Nimbus Clarke, its founder. "So anyways, the reason I was locked up was quite simple.  My parents had died in a car crash, and I had severe brain damage. I lived alone for a few years, when I discovered the secrets of time travel and used them to escape my life.  
     "But after these happy few years were over, I was discovered by a teenage boy, who also sent you guys here.  His name is August and he's a time traveler too.  He was the one who dispensed the secrets to me, but after a few years, he forgot who I was.
  "I was locked up there for a whole year, or so the staff thought.  It was torture because most of the kids there had... serious... disciplinary problems. But when the 6-month mark had passed, I started having strange dreams.  Dreams involving me, a skinny, brown-haired girl resembling Kasey, a shorter kid who looked like Shannon, and a tall redheaded girl who seemed to be Marisel. These dreams involved a pterosaur-like creature showing up from time to time.  It would sometimes attack us, sometimes be a friend.   It would swoop into my room and carry me out sometimes.  But one day, the dreams became a reality. Well, the pterodactyl part, at least."
     "Whoa!  You're telling me you saw a real pterodactyl?  Really?  Weren't they extinct, like, fifty-six million years ago?" Marisel asks, her eyes wide with surprise.  "Maybe it was just a robot or something."
     A mysterious smile inches across Sam's ghostly face.  "Maybe it was," she says, then dives into the rest of the tale.
     "So the huge pterodactyl-thingie came up to my room. I was in an unfortunate situation, because my roommate was a mean and ruthless girl who tried to kill me each day. When the pterodactyl flew through the window, my roommate wanted to use it to kill me. However, the creature scratched her rather badly instead.  
    "And then I heard a strange voice inside my head.  'Samantha, Samantha, climb up on me. I will take you to safety,' it said. A little instinct inside my brain told me that it was the pterodactyl, speaking to me! So I hopped up on the huge creature and it flew away, down the hallway.  And Marisel, yes, the ceiling was that high, so don't ask!!  
     "The creature flew directly into the office of Nimbus Clarke himself.  Now, seeing what a frightful man the founder can be, I wasn't convinced this was the best idea.  I started hearing that melodious pterodactyl voice in my head again, telling me that everything was going to be fine. And then, from under his desk, Clarke appeared. I think he'd been hiding there."
     "Was he scared of you?" asks Shannon.  "If he was, then I understand.  I'd be pretty surprised if a girl riding on a dinosaur flew right into my office.
     "Well, after the incident, in an interview, he said that he was just picking something up from under his desk. But I don't believe him," Sam replies.
     "Clarke produced a gadget that looked like a ray gun, the kind you see in sci-fi movies. And by 'produced,' I mean that he somehow got it to appear out of thin air, right into his hand. He shot the pterodactyl with it.  A hole burned in the great creature's wings and it fell to the floor. Suddenly, I felt a surge of energy come over me.  When I looked down on myself, I saw a golden sphere of light around me.  I was in one of those on-top-of-the-world moments, when you feel like you can do anything.  And then it all collapsed.  My rising energy fell, plummeting like a rock in a swimming pool.  Half a second before, I felt like I climbed Mount Everest, but now I could have died on the descent.  And soon I was so drained that I couldn't stand upright.
     "I lost consciousness for about ten straight minutes, during which Clarke managed to drag me halfway down the hall to my room. When I woke up at last, I had no memories of who I was or what had happened. Clarke produced a huge metal rod, like he produced the ray gun, and attempted to kill me with it.  But every one of his blows just went through my body! I looked at my hands and couldn't see them.  Even my feet were gone. Somehow, I'd managed to disintegrate.”
      Just then, someone is knocking on the door. When Kasey opens it, she finds one of the kitchen staff of the Home. "GIRLS!  Come downstairs for your dinner or there will be SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES!" yells the cook, enraged.  Kasey, Shannon, Marisel, and Sam trudge downstairs, hoping that they can still hear Sam's story.      
     Sam attempts to continue her story, but she's out of luck. The cook literally drags the girls downstairs to the dirty, horribly maintained kitchen. The girls can see obese chefs preparing dishes of horse poop and mashed potatoes. “What kind of a place is this?” asked Kasey, surprised. “A demented, rundown, and totally psycho place!” said Marisel, a teasing twinkle in her eye. “Hey Kasey, Shannon, Sam, you know something screwy about this place? It’s for mental people, right? Well, the people here aren’t mental, except for the staff! There’s something to this that’s more than a normal asylum...”
     Kasey pauses and thinks about Marisel’s comment. “Well, a while ago, I read about how most so-called cases of mental illness are really normal people. Doctors make mistakes all the time.”
    “No,” Sam replies. “It’s something more. So basically, when I somehow became a time-traveler, Clarke wanted to track me down. So he’s locking up all the kids who’ve ever interacted with me or other time travelers. Dumb idea, I know, but he hopes that he’ll be able to track my whereabouts and tap into my abilities. Which is why we must get out of here without becoming time travelers like me”
    Kasey, Shannon, Marisel, and Sam are in their room, having endured dinner. They’re reading books, making crafts, and hanging out. It feels like a perfectly normal day... until a blood-curdling scream nearly makes all the girls go deaf. The dorm room’s only window turns to sharp slivers of glass, and a beast of colossal proportions is now standing in the room.
    “The pterodactyl!” Sam exclaims. “We can escape now! But first we need to take care of that beastly Nimbus Clarke. Quick, grab anything you can use as a weapon!”
    Kasey picks up a pair of scissors, which she’d been using only a few seconds ago to make paper snowflakes. Shannon takes her book bag, while Marisel tucks her small flashlight into her sweater pocket.
     The four girls climb aboard the pterodactyl and try to hold on as it takes off flying. After many death-defying dives and almost too much turbulence, they land in the office of the one and only Nimbus Clarke.
      The headmaster is surprised when he saw the girls and the dinosaur. The sight reminds him of the escape of Samantha White fifty years ago. He would have tried to kill the pterodactyl again, except before he can make a move, Shannon clouts him over the head with her book bag. Clarke falls unconscious, hitting the light switch and turning it off.
    Marisel winks. “Good thing I brought this!” she says, whipping out her pocket flashlight and illuminating the office... just as Clarke regains consciousness. “I’ll... get you... you.... horrible people!” he manages to speak. Kasey impulsively dashes towards Clarke and attempts to stab him with her scissors, but she’s stopped by Sam, who says “Kasey! No! It’s not right to kill people, not even Nimbus Clarke!” Kasey restrains herself, agreeing entirely with Sam’s words.
    As she mounts the pterodactyl, Kasey thinks about what just happened. Nimbus Clarke had abused her and her friends, but it wasn’t right to kill him for that.
    Her thoughts are interrupted by Marisel’s voice. “Hey, I was thinking, this is what just might set us apart from the kind of people who are supposed to be locked up here. They can’t feel enough empathy to spare the life of the guy who tortured them. But we can. So we’ve gotta get out of here!”
    The pterodactyl has just left the Home for Mentally Disturbed Children. Kasey and her friends are doing all they can to hang on. The girls find themselves dropped off in front of the school Kasey used to attend. All their parents are waiting there, and so is August Harper, the one who referred the girls to the Home. There’s a blatantly guilty look on his face.
   “I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have listened to stupid old Clarke, who’s only doing this whole Home for Mentally Disturbed Children thing for the pleasure of locking people up. You see, Clarke’s the mentally disturbed psychopath. Watching people suffer makes him happy, so he shut you up just because he felt like it. As for the time-travel thing... well, there’s something about the flying dinosaur thingie that causes people to turn into invisible time travelers like Sam here.” August explains.
   Hooked by his story so far, the girls tell August to continue, while their parents exchange puzzled looks. And so he does.
   “Somehow, the pterodactyl that saved you had managed to survive when that asteroid killed all the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. But that asteroid was no ordinary space rock. It had a powerful magic spell on it, which rubbed off on the pterodactyl, causing it to travel through time. When Clarke nearly killed it, the time-traveling powers passed on to Sam. So now there’s a pterodactyl trapped in 2012. And it can turn invisible at will.”  Perfectly on cue, the beast flies off, slowly fading away as it does.
     “I sure hope he visits us sometime soon...” Shannon says, a faraway look in her eyes.
     Marisel laughs. “What makes you think it’s a he?” she asks, a hint of mischief in her voice.
     “How does it matter?” Sam replies quietly. “He or she or it saved our lives, and that’s what really matters...”
     “So you’re not going back in time to where you were supposed to be?!” says Shannon. “Because if you did, I can bet we’d all be so mad.”
     Sam winks. “I have three super-awesome and totally-not-mental friends, and that’s all I care about right now. Thanks for an awesome adventure, even if it was a little too scary at times....”

Friday, September 7, 2012


i was freaking everyone out by standing behind their backs and meowing. shuyang got really mad at me and eli was creeped out. for some weird and wacky reason, i like freaking my friends out. maybe it's because i'm hyper. i was so hyper that i almost destroyed the timpani in band and ally and the new person and myth were giving me weird looks. whatever. i'm weird. face it. if you're normal... i feel so sorry for you. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


right now, i'm chatting with britney online and we're talking about cyberbullies. there's this person from her elementary school who called her a ___________________. that same person called me a ___________________ and a ________. (although i think being called a ________ is a compliment, but i'm weird...) britney put something insulting about the person on her chat status and i made her remove it. the person is mean, but britney shouldnt be a cyberbully too... that wouldn't be too good.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

dead rat/random fights in the percussion section/not really stalking

i saw the rat today again. she looked really creepy with these weird little holes all over her and a swarm of flies eating her flesh. i freaked out again.

today in band, the teacher made the percussionists go to the back room and practice our scales. i broke my mallet again but fixed it during social studies and the teacher didn't care. s played super loud, even though he knows i'm hearing-impaired. so i told him to play softer. did he listen? noooooo. ally was making things worse by saying "oooh! s is your boyfriend!" the whole time. at least myth took over and forced s to be softer. but did he listen this time? nooooooooo. i wish there was another hearing-impaired percussionist in my band class. that way i'll have someone who understands how i feel.. i should seriously be a flute player again even though i'm terrible. or maybe i'll go to another band class where there aren't any percussionists or something. i won't be with myth or ally, but at least i'll not have s anymore. and i won't be trapped in a room with a super loud drummer and have my ears get more damaged than they already are...

with my help, britney is stalking a person called ________. ________ reads britney and my blogs. _______ is in grade _ at __________________________ school. ________ knows ________ and ____.

Monday, September 3, 2012

a dead rat (yes, this is a horribly written post so dont state the obvious)

I was biking somewhere today and I saw a dead rat in the sidewalk. I stopped my bike to get a closer look. The rat was smaller than Coco, which means she wasn't yet an adult. (Yeah, it was a girl rat...) There were already bugs all over her. I thought that maybe someone poisoned her and threw her out. It was so sad I almost cried. And I haven't cried in a few months. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

another random post

exploding unicorns.
i'm bored...
that's why i'm making ANOTHER pointless post.
i want this three day weekend thing to end already!
it's really annoying having to babysit my baby cousins...
a;slkd jf;alskdjf al;skdfj
what am i supposed to do now?
i'll just go away.
this is pointless.

Saturday, September 1, 2012