Thursday, August 30, 2012

im a failure at flute... (and after this it gets really random)

it's true :'( STUPID CHROMATIC SCALES AND DOUBLE TOUNGING. i bet u don't even know what those are. i dislike them severely.
i'm horrible...
good thing im a drummer now. i'm pretty good at snare drum. except for solos. I HATE SOLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask anyone in 3rd period band. OMG I MESSED UP SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least the other drummers didn't make fun of me (except S. but he's just so annoying and stuff. ally keeps telling me he likes me. but she doesn't even know him!) and ally even said good job... yay. and myth messed up with me so it wasn't as bad. btw, its her birthday today. YAY! i didn't get her anything because i forgot to.
why am i typing like this?
i do NOT know.
it is because i am a random weirdo from planet x.
just kidding.
but the random weirdo part is true.
random weirdos FOR THE WIN!
i say that too much.
today i freaked shuyang and karebear out with my weird-sounding meow thingie. judy came and we acted like freaky kitties. at lunch, i became a clueless pixie and it was awesome. you should have been there. wait, if you're reading this blog, you're either eli, one of eli's friends, or a stalker. no one else reads my HORRIBLE blog.
im turning into a pixie. literally. all silent and shy and stuff. i like that better than spazzy and hyper. since graduating pixieland, i started trying to avoid the problem of cyberbullies instead of sitting there and crying and visiting Ms. Barbarian the scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy psychologist (i ran away from her last year).


sorry i couldn't get you anything... but i helped you a lot in math and band today ;) 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

i'm mad at myself now

WHY DID I SPACE OUT IN SOCIAL STUDIES INSTEAD OF DOING THE HOMEWORK IN CLASS?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!!!!!????????? NOW IM DROWNING IN HW! AND ITS SUPER HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< I have to research stuff which I can't even find online. And I had to draw a whole map of stuff (which I won't disclose because you'll find out who my teacher is). Wait... I have band practice!! I lost my stuff... and now I found it. Do I have to practice now? What if we're not playing tomorrow? I wish Shuyang was in my band class again... at least I have Myth and V and Alicia and a whole lot of nice people...

what should i do now?

im pretending to do hw. yes, i'm such a fail.
now i'm emailing people's schedules to Shuyang. I got them from somewhere. No, I AM NOT A FREAKIN' SEVIE STALKER.

enough of my NOT A FREAKIN' SEVIE STALKERness.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

first two days of school

Basically all my teachers are awesome. My math teacher isn't here but the substitute is still awesome... The band director stopped hating me. I'm in Alicia (nice 8th grader)  and Myth's class! Some of the other people are S and Nihal (from beginning band last year) and some new guy who Alicia likes making fun of because he forgets where to put the chairs. We did this thing called the Pie Game (if you're in band, you should know what I mean). Basically there's a page of music and you have to say "pie" for all the quarter notes, "apple" for the eighth notes... etc. It's hard to explain, or maybe that's just because I'm too lazy to. Apparently Alicia tried to teach her dog the Pie Game, and Myth and I were staring at her like she was crazy or something. M is bearable. I didn't talk to her yet. Karebear is scared of Prachi for some reason I don't know... I tried to talk to Prachi about something swimming-related and Karebear was like, "OH NO!! Don't talk to HER!! She's sooo scaryyyy..........." I think Karebear thought I was going to talk about her and Shuyang. In science class, Eli and I were drawing squid eyeballs, thanks to something D (eighth grader) told me earlier about dissecting them. I know, we have weird minds. Basically everyone at my school does. I saw Vanilla today and said hi. Then I got bombarded by sixth graders. THEY'RE SO TINY! Seriously. Shuyang and I were standing in the lunch line and there were all these sixth graders around us and we were talking about seventh grade stuff. French class is chaotic. We have to sing our ABC's. I feel like a kindergartner. My language arts teacher is awesome but my science teacher is very "flaky" according to this person I know. I'd post the squid eyeball pic Eli drew, except my webcam broke... I'm writing waaaay too much. BYE.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

random video (coco)

i put the music as her fave song. this was after she got her surgery.

this isn't all that amazing...

I'm just randomly thinking about CTY now. In the talent show, before it was my turn to play, I was sitting in the audience and holding my flute. A lot of groups sang or danced, and I found that could play every single song. Even the ones I'd never heard before. While Michelle was practicing her song, I was playing it on flute and she was all like, "Did you learn that song before?" And I said that it was the first time I'd ever heard it. She was all surprised and saying stuff like "OMG you have pro skills!" I was just standing there awkwardly and saying "thanks" and stuff. Really, I don't get how my "abilities" are amazing...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

so bored

I was supposed to be doing math. But I got tired of it and went online. Sunny (my friend who's going to a different high school) started chatting me and we had a weird conversation. My mom read the chat after I told her not to. Then I emailed Shuyang and found out that we're in the same ________________ class. Vaish sent me game invites which I didn't look at. And then I went to a robotics meeting and pretended to do the research while actually going online on my dad's Mac. My mom had to give away my laptop :'( At least I can still go online.
OK. Not anymore BYE

Friday, August 17, 2012

happy "pixie"

I'm happy and hyper. Making a post for no random reason. I wasn't stalking people so don't assume that I was. SQUEAK. I chatted with Shuyang yesterday. And then I found that this person that I despise is in two of my classes... >.< I'm not using the word "hate" because it's too severe... but apparently there's something really horrible about me that ticks this person off. Whatever. I don't listen to cyberbullies anymore. I used to, but it's happened so many times that I don't even care.
Back on track: WHY AM I SO RANDOMLY HYPER?! I wanna go run the hurdles and not fall on my face. Last year I almost got a concussion. But I didn't care and I just got up and kept running. Collapsing can be fun, like exploding. xD

depressing stories, and a bunch of other stuff

I posted a bunch of my old stories on KP and most of them were written at midnight. The ones that were written at midnight were super depressing, but the ones written during the day were happy. I don't exactly know why. Maybe it's because I was so sleep-deprived that I turned depressed...  Seriously, one of my daytime stories was about an exploding pickle. But when I continued it at night, it turned into a story about a girl with a paralyzed hand.

OK. Change of subject.
I'm gonna change the URL for this blog...
Actually, I'm not going to... even though i'm not a pixie anymore.... but certain people in the bloggerverse (blogger universe...) call me that.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

does this make me sound stalkery?

Most of the blogs I read are by people I know. But they don't know that I have their blog URLs. 

character profiles

I made up a bunch of random characters who don't have names yet. Here's a bunch of stuff I have so far. I didn't write all of it. I know, it sucks. Seriously. If you know what I should name these people, then comment.

Possible main character. Red hair, light gray eyes. Hyper and outgoing. Seems fearless but is actually unsure of herself. Can have a sadistic streak.
Really tall, black eyes, wavy brown hair, contacts. Very smart, but so shy that she's scared to talk. Born without a leg but is star of the cross-country and track teams.
Tall, skinny, long black hair, pink glasses. Fashion conscious. Sensitive and trustworthy. Wishes she could play a musical instrument.
Has an account on basically every social networking site. Likes bullying people and watching their reactions. If you can somehow become her friend, she might actually be nice to you. Blond hair, blue eyes, short and stocky.

Sorry if any of these offended you. They seriously weren't meant to be offending. As a cyberbullying victim and former friendless kid, I know how it feels.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

my horrible schedule

All my teachers (except Kennedy and Moser) are apparently mean. There are a LOT of people in my classes. Last time I checked, I counted seven. Most of the people are nice. That is, MOST OF THEM. I'm so reluctant to put my schedule here because I don't want "random people and STALKERS" finding it.

This is NOT the end, stalker.

So you want my schedule? Fine.

math (adv)







And I'm not giving away the teacher names. So there.


this place i keep going to

The post is about... what the title says it's about. This random place.
It's close to my house so I won't tell you where it is. To get there, it's a thirty minute bike trip from where I live. And after the bike trip, there's a really steep climb downhill. And then there's this silent little creek that no one ever visits. I go there too much... I just stopped by there on the way home from my cousin's house. Which is why i felt like writing this.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

random post

I'm going to type whatever comes to my mind...

Hi. I don't know why I'm posting now. I finished band practice. My glockenspiel didn't break. That's weird. Now I am aimlessly staring out the window. I want to go to school. I got stuck with Band and French as electives. The glockenspiel at school is kinda broken but I know how to fix it. I have 2 classes with this person and 1st semester PE with two people I know and 2nd semester PE with one person I know. What am I supposed to do now? I know, I'll slip away from home again. But I have to go somewhere so I'm not doing that. I just saw a treble clef. OK, that was weird. Why don't unicorns explode? They totally should. Meerkats shouldn't explode. It's 2:42 PM. 242. 2424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242. Blah. I have a lot of binder paper, but it's hiding in my backpack. Coco is hiding in her cage. Rats aren't disgusting but I'm not obsessed with them anymore. I'm a meerkat. Meerkats go squeak. Squeak like rats. Rats and cats. Lalalalalalalala. I wrecked my band binder! I need a new one. Now it's 2:44 PM. 244. 244244244244. That was weird. I'm weird. Hi. Squeak. Awesomeness. Lalalalalalalalala. I like meerkats and I don't know why. The meerkat thing is turning into a huge clue about my identity. Whatever. I messed up my post thingie. At least the stuff is on KP... My stuff collapsed. Now it stopped collapsing. Now the computer's going to explode-



My scheduled posts got messed up >.<
Go look the stories up on KP.

home for good :D (couldnt finish this yesterday)

Hi. I hope you liked my posts...
Because I feel like it, I'll write about the ppl in my resident group thingie.

(in no particular order)
Michelle -- my roommate. She's really "popular" but is nice when there's no one else around to distract her.
Raevyn -- kid in my class. She loves running around and hurting people. When she's calm, she has a lot of good ideas.
Sonya -- another kid in my class. She appeared calm but is actually very random and spends most of her time on the phone.
Alyssa -- a violin player who goes on sugar highs and plays basketball with me. She was one of the band members.
Celline -- the other violin player. People say she "likes" Dan, who's in my class. I had to teach her most of the band song.
Stephanie -- the cellist/musical genius. She also plays basketball, and tried to force me to dance in the socials.
Athene -- one of my (few) friends in camp. She doesn't like to talk very much, but can still be very interesting.
Rachel -- a hyper kid. She's very goofy and randomly dances at random moments, and sometimes is a bit "spazzy'.
Channing -- another (not really) hyper kid. She's a good singer and knows the words to almost every song out there.
Jenny who's not in my group -- an all-around awesome girl, flute player (yayz!), and my best friend in the whole place. She seemed shy, but can get crazy. Really crazy. xD

Also, I got my schedule for school. Wanna know what it is?

Persistent stalker. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

hello and greetings =)

I hope you enjoyed Space Race, The Sea Dwellers, and my assorted short stories and poems. It was all in a day's work for me xD
Literally. I just sat down with my computer and typed up a whole bunch of these. In one day. No kidding.
This is the last of the scheduled posts! YAY! PARTY!!!!!!!!
what can I say now??
I wanna make a website.
Do you want me to design you a website?
I know I'm not all that good but I just feel like it :3
If you want me to design a site, comment.
It's completely free :D
But you don't have to.
Check out this site, and my rat site, and the robotics thing, and for samples.

Bye. For now. Until next time =D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

space race (part 5)

I WON!!! I cannot believe I won the Space Race! That moment, when I first saw cold, barren Pluto has always been the best of my entire life! Igor, as I told you, was arrested by the Universal Police. They confiscated his teleports. That serves Igor Counterfeit the Counterfeit right! In fact, it would serve any evil person in the whole solar system right! At least I used Igor's teleports to get back to Earth instead of making the journey again. Now that I think about it, Igor was mean to many people in his lifetime. In return, he was punished, like when the rocket store only gave him a slow rocket or when the police arrested him. Igor the Counterfeit has been served right all through his space journey in the Space Race. I know that I had fun. So did Shelly. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? I'm just wondering what other people think about space travel. It seriously doesn't matter what time you are from. And I also just want to know that there aren't that many evil people out there to torture me.

Darn it! Now that all the racing nonsense is over, I have started to hate little girls [especially about age eleven], cats [especially gray ones], and races [especially space races]! As it turned out, Zippy the cat was born with supersenses which is why she always let out an ear-splitting howl while evil was near. Who would have guessed that a team of two little girls would beat the genius, Dr. Igor Counterfeit III? Not me. of course! Don't think that I will actually learn a lesson from all this nonsense! The only thing I got out of this is the fact that girls and cats should be despised. Remember, I'm evil! Evil people dislike everyone who is good. That's a proven fact by the laboratory at the Evil University, where the only things I learned are that the Sun is hot and Mercury is close to the Sun. Bits of genius, aren't they? Of course they are. Anyways, why do the great, splendid, superb things only happen to good guys? Why do evil people have to bear all the burden? It doesn't seem fair!! No fair!! No fair!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

space race (part 3)

It was finally time to start racing in the Space Race! Of course, I was excited! From reading all about the race, I knew that I was up against someone who called himself Dr. Igor Counterfeit III. He had a big and heavy rocket, called the Cheetah.  I had heard that it only went at fifty percent of the speed of light! That is such a slow speed compared to mine, and I’m only eleven years old! How did he graduate college when he’s dumber than a “little kid”? From the moment I first saw his flimsy, clunky spaceship, I knew that Igor Counterfeit III would suffer a crushing defeat by a girl who was only in fifth grade! It seemed wacky, and I admit it’s still crazy today! If you want to know the outcome of the race, please find the final chapter of this story and read the first two words. Don't do that yet! It’s no fun reading ahead in a good story. That takes out all the fun! Anyways, Igor Counterfeit III is very counterfeit! In fact, Zippy the cat started howling at the top of her lungs. And I had no idea what was going on...
I finally met Kit Wilson, the goody-two-shoes girl, at the launch station. She had a weird ship called the Zippy! Again, that is a weird name for a rocket ship.  I still can’t believe that little kids would monkey around with rocket science! The ship, apparently, was named for a cat! Can you believe that? The cat was also boarding the ship. Cats in space are totally from the 1990s and 2000s! That’s so long ago! Next to that girl Kit was Shelly Silver, the daughter of the organizers of the race! That's a big advantage, but I was still determined, too determined, to beat those little rats! All right, do you want to know what the Cheetah led me to? I will not tell you right now. I'm simply too embarrassed! The Cheetah was cooler, way cooler, than that weird Zippy. Of course it was! Even that cat howled like a maniac! Unbelievable! A maniac cat, two weird girls, and a silly-looking spaceship, all in one! Even though there were only two contestants, the launch station was a madhouse!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

space race (part 4)

I was in space, maneuvering my ship around asteroids in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Zippy was doing well and there was no sign of the Cheetah, until I caught my first glimpse of Jupiter. Igor Counterfeit and his counterfeit ship suddenly appeared in front of me! I was so shocked! Then, I realized what Igor Counterfeit III did to cheat. He used teleports! Shelly's parents had specifically said that teleports were NOT allowed. 
¨Shelly! Call the Universal Police! Igor is catching up with us! Do something! ANYTHING! HE IS USING TELEPORTS” I screamed into the radio which allowed me contact with Shelly. 
The next thing I knew, I saw a super fast blue police ship speeding up ahead of me and catching Igor Counterfeit! That served the old weirdo right for using teleports! No wonder he robs banks for the fun of it!      As that counterfeit old weirdo was arrested, Zippy the cat howled a happy sounding howl. I know how she feels about Igor Counterfeit!
I am experiencing technical difficulties and cannot tell you what happened next in this story! All right, you know I am lying to you. Hey, I'm evil, after all, and evil people always tell lies! Kit Wilson the rat got her little friend Shelly to arrest me. As I said before, those police wimps need much stronger security forces! I used my set of teleports to get back to my beloved spaceship. When I looked out of the window, I couldn't see that old goody-two-shoes ship called the Zippy. At first, I thought I was ahead of them, but then I felt scorching hot! It wasn't all this hot back at Jupiter, where the police ship arrested me. Reflecting on my many years of high-level education at the Evil University, I knew that the Sun was hot. [I am so smart, right?] I also knew that Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. [Pure genius!] From these two facts, I knew that I was somewhere near Mercury! I was so far behind the Zippy! How did my ship get all the way back there, you ask? I think it was gravity. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

space race (part 2)

A few days after we met, Shelly and I worked on our rocket for the Space Race. You should have seen that! It was sturdy and sleek, making it move faster. We made it travel at 90% of the speed of light! That’s better than what I did when I was nine! The rocket’s name was the Zippy, after my pet cat. Zippy, the cat, is a gray cat who I met when I was walking one day. She seemed just right for me. Zippy [not the ship!] started howling shortly after we built the ship named for her. Zippy is usually a very quiet cat. She occasionally purred or meowed, but never howled once. I instantly knew that something was wrong with her. As I looked it up [which didn’t take long], Shelly called her parents on her brand-new videophone and told them that I was going to be in the Space Race. If someone even said “Space Race”, I felt excited! Sure, I would face dangers in space, but the adventure of racing was worth it! Even now, I say that anything is better than having mean parents!

At last, Burt and I persuaded a rocket factory to give us a [free] rocket to use in the Space Race! This rocket can go at 50% of the speed of light! Of course, I named it the Cheetah, after the extinct mammal and my passion of cheating. Of course, even evil people need a little fun, so we robbed the City Bank and got away with it. Those wimps need stronger security forces! As for the Space Race, people had heard about the contestants already. It seemed that the only other contestant was Kit Wilson, an eleven-year-old girl who was racing in a ship called the Zippy!  What a ridiculous name! When they were asked, the majority of [evil] people bet on me, Dr. Igor Counterfeit III, to win the race! Of course, the majority of good people bet on Kit Wilson. Those good people are fools, just for being so good-two-shoes all the time and actually obeying all those pesky rules! Who would want to do such a horrible thing as follow rules and be nice? I sure wouldn’t! As I said before, I am evil!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

space race (part 1)

*This is also a five part story, except it's told from two voices, Kit and Igor.*

It all started when I met Shelly Silver. That was a year ago, back in 2029 at the Invention Convention. A few weeks earlier, I'd ran away from home because my parents were telling me to not become a rocket scientist! They slapped me every time I even talked about my future! Shelly, who was my age and about eleven, also loved rocket science. Her parents were organizing the biggest race in the entire solar system: The Space Race! This race extended from Earth to the dwarf planet Pluto. I wanted to join the race more than anything else. So did Shelly, but her parents created the race and she couldn’t enter. She was glad to know another girl who was very smart and loved space exploration. 
“Hi, Kit! Would you like to build a rocket ship and enter the Space Race?” she asked me.
“Of course! I absolutely love building spaceships! I built one when I was nine years old, but it only went at 20,000 miles per hour! I’ll do better this time,” I replied, overjoyed to enter the race.

Cheating, especially on contests, is my favorite hobby! There’s nothing better than unfairly winning a prize! That’s why I grabbed Burt Blackhole, my sinister partner-in-crime, and told him all about the race.
“Burt, this is an excellent opportunity! Joe and Tammy Silver, the famous researchers, are hosting the largest race ever! We can cheat by using my set of teleports, hiring people to set one up on each planet in the solar system! We can go from one teleport to the next, winning the prize!” I said excitedly.
Of course, Burt agreed with me. We hired astronauts to go from planet to planet, setting up teleports along the way. There was no way my brilliant plan would fail! The prize of 20,000,000,000,000 Earth Dollars would be mine for sure, and I would use that cash to torture the citizens of this poor planet! At least, that’s what I thought on that day. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. What do I care? I’m evil, after all, and people say [and this is true] that I’ll never learn my lesson!

Home again!!!

I just played flute for the talent show. Apparently, I sound like a viola o_O Celline, Stephanie, Alyssa, and I were AWESOME!!! We expected to trip over the music stand and/or lose the music and/or play all the wrong notes and/or squeak too much, but we didn't do any of that. LIKE A BAWSS.
I squeaked on my solo, though. A LOT D:
Michelle has a friend here (who goes to her school). He's a boy who apparently "likes" her but actually doesn't.
Class is easy. We're doing rocket science tomorrow :D :D :D xD
Bye for now.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just Another Adventure: A Poem

Though no one wants me to
I dive off the rock
Splashing into the crystal-clear water
Swimming effortlessly toward the waterfall.
My friend is looking on, 
Trying to distract me, to get me back to shore
Warning me that I can't fight the current
And that I'll die a watery death.
But I ignore her
It's not impossible
Just another adventure.

When my arms are weak, my legs aching,
I grab hold of a nearby boulder
But I'm forced to let go
The waterfall current sweeps me under
I've almost drowned
But my friend on shore is watching
She tries to get help
But no one is listening
I am left to die, as she said

I try fighting the current
Swimming against it
And I succeed.
The fight is over
But I've survived.
I retreat, not wanting to explore for longer
If it means that I'll drown.

This was a year ago
If I tried now, I'd be able to fight the current
And survive
Not retreat.
During that year, so much has happened
But I remember this one event
Like it was yesterday.

Thanks for reading! next up is: the other book, which actually has 5 parts.

Friday, August 3, 2012

the sea dwellers (chapter 6)

 June 14, 2010
   I wake up to a ringing noise, only to find that it is my alarm clock. Nora and Melanie are next to me, shaking me awake. ''Wake up, Anna,'' Nora screams at the top of her lungs. I nudge Nora hard in the ribs. 
   I sneak a peek at the clock and find that it is already lunchtime! I had slept in so late! I scurry down to lunch with Nora and Melanie. Rosemarie is having lunch with us. She has brought her baby sister, Adrienne. Adrienne is only a year old, and the cutest sea dweller ever! I snuggle with her, then eat up my lunch. 
   After lunch, I go to the house next door, wearing a disguise so I won't be recognized. We are supposed to have new neighbors. I can't wait to see what they are like!
On the doorstep of that house, I am greeted by a woman who looks like Lulu Cuckoldry from the concert. I know that she is Evaporata, the witch, but I don't say anything. I don't want her to find out my real identity. 
    ''Hi! I'm Katy from across the street. I'm your new neighbor. You must be Lulu Cuckoldry. I heard you sing at the concert,'' I say, making up the name of Katy so she won't know who I am. [It's hard ruling the entire sea and being so popular!] 
    ''Why thank you, Katy dear! I am a professional singer, so I have a lot of fans just like you! Won't you please come inside? I hope you like my house. It's a mess, but that's because I just moved in,'' she says. 
     I follow Evaporata into her house. Boxes are everywhere. I ask if I can look around, and she says that I can. 
I enter what seems to be a storage room and find a lot of things, including a book on hypnotism and an evil-looking contraption, a ray-gun which says ''Destroyatron'' on it. I also find X-ray goggles. I know that they were exactly what I needed for my really big plan, but I couldn't launch it without the help of Melanie and Nora. 
     I glance at a clock, and notice that it is lunchtime. I tell Evaporata that I will be back and bring my sisters. 
     I go back home and tel my sisters about the plan. They make up names and agree to help out. We eat our lunches, then go to Evaporata's house again.
     ''Why hello Katy,'' Evaporata says. '' I see you have brought your sisters! Will you two introduce yourselves?
      ''I'm Elizabeth and this is Shelly,'' says Nora. Apparently, she made up the name of Elizabeth and Melanie made up the name Shelly. 
     Evaporata invites us all inside. Once she goes back to whatever she was doing, I take Nora and Melanie and take them to the room which I was in. We find the goggles, the hypnotism book, and the evil ray-gun which says ''Destroyatron'' on it. Then, I whisper a plan in each of their ears. Nora and Melanie grin and agree to my  ''genius'' plan. 
      We put the plan into action. Nora rushes into Evaporata's living room. She taps the witch on the shoulder. 
     '' Ms. Cuckoldry, '' she says, smiling sweetly. ''There's this super-cool looking gadget in a room in your house, and can you pleeeease tell me all about it?'' Evaporata is charmed into taking Nora into the storage room, where Melanie and I are hiding. Melanie is reading about hypnotism, and I am wearing the X-ray goggles and studying the evil ray-gun which says ''Destroyatron'' on it. I look at each circuit carefully, deciding which ones gad the most significance. Those circuits are the ones I want the witch to destroy! 
    Melanie gives me a secret signal, a poke in the ribs, and I poke her back. Nora and the witch are entering! I whisper something about the main circuits in the evil ray-gun which says ''Destroyatron'' on it to Melanie, and she takes notes about them. She looks at the hypnotism book to refresh her memory on how to hypnotize people [or sea dwellers]. 
     The witch opens the door. Nora is right beside her. Melanie casually walks out and says,''Hello, Ms. Cuckoldry! I've been waiting for you all this time. Won't you sit down, so I can ask you about yourself? I'm doing a career report for my summer school, and I decided to interview a famous singer like you. 
     Evaporata sits down in a chair, and Melanie sits down next to her. Melanie starts out by asking normal interview questions so Evaporata won't get suspicious. Then, once the witch is relaxed, Melanie begins with the hypnotism. She manages to get Evaporata to go over to her ''Destroyatron'' and blow the most important circuits, while Nora and I take pictures and videos to show the public. 
     Melanie gets Evaporata back to normal, and Nora sets up a video camera on a tripod. I count to three very quietly. Once I say ''three'', we rip off our disguises. ''You are defeated, Evaporata Landlubber!'' we scream in unison. So far, things are going exactly according to my plans!
     ''Not so fast, Princesses of the Sea!'' shouts Evaporata. She goes to her ''Destroyatron'' and presses the ''target lock'' button. Thinking that it still works, she presses the ''fire'' button. She looks puzzled when nothing seems to happen. She looks inside it and finds that she blew some circuits. Whe tries to fix them, but Melanie and I set things up so that whenever she fixes a circuit, another one will get blown. While the witch fumbles ofver the circuits, the three of us gather the cameras and escape to Rosemarie's house, the last place the witch would expect us to be. 
       At Rosemarie's house, we have a hearty dinner and show off our videos and pictures. Nora takes our tape and puts it in Rosemarie's VCR player. We all laugh at the part when Melanie hypnotizes the witch. Then, we take our footage to the Sea Dweller Police Force Headquarters [or the SDPFH]. They watch our video and examine the pictures, then call the local TV station. Soon, we see our video on the late-night news. We are so pleased with ourselves! 
     While I watch our video on the news, I feel my heart swell up with pride. Everyone has to fit in somewhere, and I know I fit in the very best when I am underwater, even if I hadn't lived all my life there.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

the sea dwellers (chapter 5)

June 13, 2010
     Nora is shaking me awake. I swim right out of my chair and into the Seafarer. Did I mention that today is my birthday? No one seems to know! I drive to Rosemarie's house. I got her address during the concert. Her house looks like mine, so small and old that it hardly is a house.
    We play for sometime, until Rosemarie's mom calls us in for breakfast. We eat our waffles with maple syrup, then we read magazines in Rosemarie's room. My favorite is Sea Life for Girls. 
      Rosemarie asks me to drive her to my home. I can't find it! All I see where my rundown hut stood is a huge castle, like the one I saw on the day I arrived. The only difference is that it's huger! I go inside it, hoping that friendly people live in it. When I knock on the door, I see Melanie opening it. ''Surprise, Anna!'' she yells.
      I ask her about the castle, but she just smiles mysteriously and tells me to go inside. In the castle, I see all of our family, and Rosemarie's family too. Melanie explains that we are actually Princesses of the Sea. She means not only the Sea of Secrets, but every body of water in the world. There are also mermaids in the castle, and they are our servants.
     ''Why didn't we have a castle before?'' I ask Nora and Melanie. They say that the castle I saw when I arrived was actually the witch's castle. The witch's name is not Lulu Cuckoldry. No one knows her true name. She might grow back, after I attacked her in the concert, and become even stronger! Once I defeated her, the witch's castle became a hut and our hut became a castle! It took some time for the magic to take effect, however.
      I remember a thought that I had at the concert hall: Why couldn't she kidnap a princess instead? She actually did kidnap a princess. In fact, she kidnapped two princesses. I remember another thought that I had: Why couldn't she hold the princess for a huge ransom?  She was not interested in the money, but the power and the magic. Once she kidnapped us, our family wouldn't be as powerful, leaving her to take some of our power to use for her dark magic. Still, one question remained in my mind: Why didn't she kidnap Melanie? Maybe Melanie was away while Nora and I were kidnapped.
     We have my birthday party at the castle which we now live in. Despite the fact that I'm a princess now, it's just an average party. It turns out that Rosemarie's mom is a countess and her dad is a count. Nora, Melanie, and I also get crowns.
    Just then, and evil laugh comes from outside. My heart skips a beat. Is it that witch, grown back stronger? I open the door and see Wiley Rockaround and Rob Lamebrain, the two jerks from school, outside. They are wearing scuba diving gear. I see a card on the sea floor next to them. It says:
Evaporata  Landlubber
Evil Witch
Mission: Kidnap Princesses of the Sea
     I pick up the card. Wiley says to Rob, ''We found Atlantis and there are mermaids living there!'' I reply,''This is NOT Atlantis and I am NOT a mermaid. My name is Anna Swimmerwell, Princess of the Sea. Who are you and what do your want?'' I know who they are, but don't want to show this.
     Wiley and Rob stare at me, speechless. ''Anna? You're a princess?'' asks Wiley, surprised. I ignore her, and continue,'' Are you foreigners minions of Evaporata Landlubber, the evil witch?'' I'd better focus, I think. I've got to convince them that I don't know them. 
      ''I am the extremely gorgeous Wiley Rockaround,'' says Wiley in her prissiest voice. I think hard, and swim right back in. I go straight to the high-tech underwater computer and search for information. I find a link that says, '' Most Wanted: Wiley Rockaround and Rob Lamebrain, Minions of the Witch.'' I swim outside and say, ''You two don't know who you really are.'' From the moment I speak these words, Wiley and Rob change, which was something totally unpredicted by me. Wiley looks like the witch, and Rob looks like a male version of Wiley. 
     ''MINIONS!!!!!'' I scream. Nora and Melanie cum rushing outside to see why I screamed. I show them Wiley and Rob. Nora takes out her locket and so does Melanie does so too. Wiley panics,  ''No! No! Spare us! We are powerless against the lockets!''
      I tell Rob and Wiley that I am really Anna, as in the geeky nerdy teacher's pet from school, and that Nora and Melanie are my sisters. They seem surprised, and I can tell that they are. Throughout my life, Wiley and Rob thought that I was a miserable only child. 
      After a long day of witches and minions, I fall asleep in my super-soft new bed. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

the sea dwellers (chapter 4)

June 12, 2010

    I wake up to a swirl of water. I am still on that chair. I couldn't get a good sleep because  the hut had a large and slimy jellyfish in it, which was distracting me and waking me up a lot. Nora and Melanie are in the same situation.
    There are two adults, one man and one woman, on chairs next to us. One resembles Mom, while the other looks like Dad. Melanie wasn't kidding when she said that she'd take us to our parents.
    ''Hi, Mom and Dad! What's with the fins?'' I ask.
     ''Don't you know?'' says Dad. We are now all sea dwellers.
     ''Like mermaids?'' asks Nora.
      Melanie explains that mermaids are not as smart as sea dwellers, so they work for us under our command. Mermaids were such fools that they let themselves be discovered by the land-people before sea dwellers. Land-people, or humans, destroyed their environment and made them famous,and we still live by ourselves in the Sea of Secrets, which is where I am.
       ''But why were we land-people and you, Mom, and Dad are sea dwellers?''I ask. Melanie tells us how we were kidnapped by a witch. Our ''parents'' on land were clones of our real parents. We got claimed back when we swam in the Sea of Secrets.
        Dad asks us if we would like to go to a concert today. He has tickets, and he promises us that it will be totally worth it. We agree, then swim in to the ''Seafarer'' which is like a car underwater. It doesn't take us long to get to the concert hall. Once we get there, we swim inside. Fishes are all over the place. So are other sea dwellers, who Dad says I'll know better when I go to school here. The stage is in the middle of the audience, with runways coming out. I find a seat near a runway and a girl who says that her name is Rosemarie. She has red hair and dark eyes, and is a bit shorter than I am. She seems to like me, and I know that she is my first friend who is my age. She also has high grades in school while her classmates don't.
      The lights dim. The audience stops talking loudly and starts whispering. Rosemarie whispers that next year she will be going to a school for gifted sea dwellers. I sneak over do Mom and ask if I could go to that school and if Rosemarie can come over. She says yes.
      A handsome looking sea dweller swims up to the stage.
''Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Summer Fest Concert! I hope you enjoy yourselves,'' he says. ''Please turn off your cell phones and don't use flash photography. First up, let's hear it for Lulu Cuckoldry!"
       Lulu Cuckoldry swims on the stage. She is singing a song which is familiar to me. She goes on the runway which Rosemarie and I are next to and drags us on to the stage. We are clueless about what to do next.  I see Dad in the audience. He is staring at Lulu really hard. Lulu ignores him. We try to sing something. Luckily, Rosemarie also knows that song, and she has an excellent voice, so I can just mouth the words.
      Lulu stares at us, as if she wants to burn us. We don't do anything. I see Rosemarie and Nora flickering like an old movie, and wonder if it is because of the piercing stare.
     Dad is muttering something. I can't hear what it is, but his voice sounds angry. Suddenly, there is a deafening explosionand we all turn away and cover our ears. Lulu looks much uglier after the explosion. She looks like a witch! A thought pops into my head. Could Lulu be the witch that kidnapped Nora and me? What business would she have kidnapping two ordinary children? Why can't she kidnap a princess instead and hold her for a huge ransom?
      As I keep thinking this, Dad's stare at Lulu the witch is growing harder. It is still having no effect. I think that he is trying to burn her. Thinking quickly, I spy our Seafarer outside the window of the concert hall. I go in it and try to drive. It isn't as easy as it looks, but in only 10 minutes I get to our hut. I look around and find two lockets. One of them has an "A'' on it, and the other has an ''N''.  I take both of them and drive the Seafarer to the concert hall. The rest of the audience has left, including Rosemarie. I shove one locket into Nora's hands, and I keep the other one, making sure that mine has an "A'' on the back.
     I open my locket and take out a pinch of the dust inside. Unsure what else to do, I give the dust to a little fish, who sprinkles it on Lulu. She screams, as if she is bring killed. I see her shrinking. She is now as tall as the fingernail on my little finger. Then, she disappears.
     I go to our Seafarer and hop in the driver's seat. ''Anna, aren't you a little young to drive?'' asks Mom. I don't say anything. Driving is pretty fun, even if I'm way too young. I drive us to our hut, where we spend the rest of the day.