Monday, August 6, 2012

space race (part 2)

A few days after we met, Shelly and I worked on our rocket for the Space Race. You should have seen that! It was sturdy and sleek, making it move faster. We made it travel at 90% of the speed of light! That’s better than what I did when I was nine! The rocket’s name was the Zippy, after my pet cat. Zippy, the cat, is a gray cat who I met when I was walking one day. She seemed just right for me. Zippy [not the ship!] started howling shortly after we built the ship named for her. Zippy is usually a very quiet cat. She occasionally purred or meowed, but never howled once. I instantly knew that something was wrong with her. As I looked it up [which didn’t take long], Shelly called her parents on her brand-new videophone and told them that I was going to be in the Space Race. If someone even said “Space Race”, I felt excited! Sure, I would face dangers in space, but the adventure of racing was worth it! Even now, I say that anything is better than having mean parents!

At last, Burt and I persuaded a rocket factory to give us a [free] rocket to use in the Space Race! This rocket can go at 50% of the speed of light! Of course, I named it the Cheetah, after the extinct mammal and my passion of cheating. Of course, even evil people need a little fun, so we robbed the City Bank and got away with it. Those wimps need stronger security forces! As for the Space Race, people had heard about the contestants already. It seemed that the only other contestant was Kit Wilson, an eleven-year-old girl who was racing in a ship called the Zippy!  What a ridiculous name! When they were asked, the majority of [evil] people bet on me, Dr. Igor Counterfeit III, to win the race! Of course, the majority of good people bet on Kit Wilson. Those good people are fools, just for being so good-two-shoes all the time and actually obeying all those pesky rules! Who would want to do such a horrible thing as follow rules and be nice? I sure wouldn’t! As I said before, I am evil!

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