Saturday, March 31, 2012

Life post the second

It's another life post! Yay! *sarcasm* Wow, my spell checker on the computer thinks Yay isn't a word. It once thought river's wasn't a word. Computers are annoying.

I keep on pwning everyone at swimming!! So I get to skip, like, 2 levels. I did a flip turn while diving but it was an accident. It still looked pretty cool though, even though landing on my back hurt! Now, I'm in the same swim school as Shuyang! So that's nice.

Someone from Germany went on my blog. Yeah, big deal. On my other blog, I had people from all over the world viewing it. My sister wants to get more views on her blog and she's jealous of me because of that one person from Germany. Wow, SERIOUSLY?!

If you hate cats and rats, then I hate you. It sounds harsh, but it's true.

BYE :) 

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