Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Invisible Secrets, Chapter 1

     It's midnight. To be more precise, it's 11:59 PM. Most sane humans are asleep now, in the small town of Sandyville, but not me. I have another life to attend to. There's no time for humanly issues now. You might not have guessed this by now, but I'm a secret agent. Wait, who am I talking to? This is my private journal, and I don't think anyone is reading this right now...
     I get up from my rarely-used bed and leap out my bedroom window. I may sound crazy, but this is for a reason! If I can't make it to secret agent headquarters on time, I'll get fired. With one less person to fight crime, the world will be at stake.
     As I fall out of my bedroom window, I adjust the angle of my fall so I'll land where I want to. I finally fall on top of what looks like an ordinary manhole cover. But it isn't. It's the only route to my headquarters, so I open the lid and hop inside. A small cart carries me through a network of underground tunnels. And then I'm there, in the small chamber, packed with electronic gear, that we call headquarters. Not a second late.
     But as I approach my seat, nervous thoughts cross my head. What if someone else finds out about this place? My parents, maybe, or someone from school? What if they're stalking me secretly and I don't even know it? What if.... What if...?  These thoughts plague my mind and make it impossible for me to concentrate. Right now, I'm not Dawn McAllen the normal teenager. The fate of the world is in my hands... in a way...

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