Thursday, October 24, 2013

confiscating books

I read a lot. Even in classes. So teachers take away my books and I try not to look like I care, because I know I deserved it. But I actually think that confiscating books is actually making me read more...

It's like making up for lost time. I'm the 300-page-a-day kind of girl, and when a teacher takes my book right when I'm at the most suspenseful part, I read like crazy in my next class, which results in yet another confiscation, which results in me reading more... you get the idea.

And class is just too slow for me to actually *SIT STILL AND PAY ATTENTION*. I can ace most tests without studying. (except math. I have the worst teacher >_<) In other classes, especially French (where we work on one silly conjugation for weeks at a time and I read the whole textbook last year), I can't pay attention at all. I know all the stuff already, so why make me listen to it AGAIN AND AGAIN?!? It's boring. A lot more boring than my books.

So basically, if people take away my books, I just end up reading twice as much. Yeah.

#lamepostideas #hashtagssuck

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