Wednesday, August 7, 2013

sick :(

I've been having headaches and a really bad cough for a while. Seriously, I was coughing the whole night and driving my entire family crazy! (Sorry...) And I can't really breathe because my nose is completely clogged and my throat hurts like crazy. Swimming helps with that part, though, but I was all disoriented yesterday in practice. When I was swimming backstroke, I "cuddled" with the laneline and went under it into the next lane. Awkward. All I can hope is that I get better in time for school...

Basically, I'm not feeling well so I won't come online as often. I might schedule a bunch of random stories when I can, but not right now. I don't have enough time.

So... um... what did I do since the last time I posted? Not much, actually. I played with my unicorn/friend and wrote random stuff which I don't want to put here.

I don't have anything else to say, and as much as I hate these awkward endings, bye!

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